Make mobility rhyme with productivity! Switch to the cloud with the Proximus NXT solutions. You will enjoy a flexible IT environment that can increase your performance and reduce your costs. The simplification of the procedures and the IT management give you the time to refocus on your core activity and increase agility. They comprise all the following services:

Codit helps organization rapidly get started with their IT transformation projects by providing insudry-leading digitalization expertises, consolidating existing digital ressources, delivering top-in-class implmentation, and transferring the knowledge to equip the teams.
Codit Luxembourg drives Digital Transformation through Cloudification & Data Insights hand by hand with Proximus NXT.

Make mobility rhyme with productivity! Switch to the cloud with the Proximus NXT solutions. You will enjoy a flexible IT environment that can increase your performance and reduce your costs. The simplification of the procedures and the IT management give you the time to refocus on your core activity and increase agility. They comprise all the following services:

Telindus provides Copilot adoption services that ensure your secured and smooth use.